Moving my layout a mile away...

I thought with your situation you could use a chuckle. I guess I’m good for sumthin.

Thanks dave9999. I’ve had several people ask me how I could ever lock myself up in a bunker in the event of WW III, and be all nice and cozy while my relatives and the outside world suffered. My reply was simple - they were warned… I’ve been telling those around me for years that they should at least be prepared by storing back plenty of food, bottled water, a generator and fuel and so forth, but they just look at each other and shake thier heads as if to say poor old Mark has lost it… Okay. What ever. But once the hatch is closed that’s it. Kind of reminds me of the story of Noah and the ark when everyone made fun of him - until it started raining and flooding…

As for the old layout. I think I’ve got it under control now. The main thing will be to be careful!..


Thank you On30Shay. I appreciate the joke very much. I’m not really all that down about it all. I had the chance to buy a nice little two bed room house on a couple of acres before I bought this place that would have already been paid for that I would have been able to afford without any problems, but no, I had to go out and bite off way more than I could chew and now I’m paying for it. Don’t feel sorry for me. I brought this on myself. It serves me right. Maybe next time I’ll be wiser with my money. Live and learn, you know…
