I have an MPC(1975)F-3 that has stripped gears(The motor runs but the wheels won’t spin).I took apart the motor/gear box and discovered that the vertical worm seems smaller than my MPC EP-5(which uses a similar power truck).My question is:Where can I buy the gears needed to repair it and should I replace the nylon gear in the truck with a metal postwar replacement.Thanks in advance for any replies.PS How difficult is it to de-assemble the truck for gear replacement? |
I recommend Jeff kane at the train tender his email is jeff@ttender.com or his phone number is 585-229-2050
Thanks Rtrain!I’ll shoot him an E-mail! |
MPC is the coolest!
If you need more suggestions ,try this guy too…
Log Cabin Train Shop
600 Rochester Road
Pittsburgh, Pa 15237
(412) 366-7060
Bill Trushel, Owner email: logcabintrainshop@att.net
Authorized Lionel Service Station # 363. Parts/Repair