MR Product Review: Broadway's HO scale PRR T1

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MR Product Review: Broadway’s HO scale PRR T1

??? Is this model supposed to represent the T-1 “as delivered”? According to my MR Cyclopedia Vol. 1, the engines were built with side skirts extending down over the tops of the driving wheels.These were cut back or removed in later years to ease maintenance, giving an appearance more like the BLI model.

Joseph, this model represents T1 engines 5500-5549 as they were delivered by Baldwin and PRR’s Altoona shops in 1945-1946. The MR Cyc. Vol 1 starting on page 264 shows the first two engines which were built in 1942 (6110-6111) along with shots of the later-built engines (5500-5549). The MR Cyc plans represent just the first two engines, which had, amongst other differences, a more pointed nose and lower side skirts. The link below is a good online photo source for the T1 engines during their short careers.