MR&T heritage units?

In the January issue of MR on page 37, I noticed the MR&T train on the upper track had a unit that seemingly was painted in the Troy & Northern colors. Does anyone have the scoop of if the MR&T has heritage units?

Might be a shortline that connects with the MR&T. At least I have a fuzzy memory of something like that. Dang, it’s heck getting old…[*-)]

The old Troy & Northern in now the WSOR part on the club layout.

“Does anyone have the scoop of if the MR&T has heritage units?”

That’s an interesting possibility, isn’t it? You never know what might be going on in the workshop. And if we did have heritage units, which paint schemes would we choose? Which ones would you like to see?

Thanks for reading MR,


The paint scheme that I though I saw was for the Troy & Northern.

I could see a possible Troy & Northern heritage unit since that railroad has kinda faded over time into the layout’s WSOR branch.

Maybe some other railroads that would have merged to form the current MR&T?

In the preview video for MR Video Plus, Cody is at the work bench talking about heritage units! In front of him is a switcher and modern road unit in Turtle Creek Central colors, with TCC decal sheets beside the units. With that evidence I would say that there are indeed heritage units on the MR&T, the publisher’s vague reply above not withstanding. . .[:D]

Have seen Athearn T&N CF7 units at both local hobby shop and ‘medium-box’ store national chain hobby store. Unfortunately was not smart enough to get them at first, then could not afford them (when the econ dumped). Now with this post I will start to keep an eye open for them again.

Now with that said, if Athearn or Atlas or someone struck up a little deal and started painting models in MR&T schemes and MR&T “heratige” units I will be smart enough to snatch them up. Have been debating whether to model MR&T in N scale.