Has anyone any experience with these decoders failing to respond to the “Lights” command after reprogramming to change a loco address?
I recently installed one and it worked perfectly until I reprogrammed the address. Now I can’t get it to respond to the light command either forward or in reverse, although the lamps all light up when track voltage is applied to them. Otherwise it’s fine. I’m using MRC Command 2000 controllers and have tried to reprogram on two different units.
Does the light come on every other speed step? That is when the throttle is step 4 then lamp is on, throttle is step 5 then lamp is off, throttle is step 6 lamp is on again? I know the MRC-2000 doesn’t have explicit throttle steps but is there an equivalent behavior? If so, the decoder number of “speed steps” does not match the command station’s 14 speed steps.
I have 2 suggestions, and please know that I am just trying to help.
I would consider upgrading your DCC system. The MRC 2000 is antiquated and is very limited to what it can do. I would suggest a Zephyr or NCE Power Cab system. You can purchase both for under 200 dollars and either will serve you well.
I would never buy another MRC decoder. They are the worst possible decoders because of their quality control (lack of it). I would suggest using Digitrax, Lenz, NCE, TCS or Zimo decoders. They are reliable, predictable and cost effective.
I gotta agree with David on this one. MRC decoders are the absolute pits.[xx(][xx(] I have a few locos that have Bachmann decoders (just 1 or 2 steps above MRC) but I use mostly NCE and Digitrax. They’re an excellent value for the money.
Thanks, David and Jeffrey, I’m aware of the antiquity of the system, but it’s so easy for my little grandchildren to use, with its three separate throttles and another two on the handheld.
I haven’t been aware of the awful reputation of the MRC decoders, but my most recent purchases have been Digitrax, which seem to be OK.