MRC and weird atlas engine issues

Hello everone,

weird thing going on, I haver an MRC wireless system, about 3 years old, dont really have any issues with it, I just bought 2 QSI atlas gold c420 they work great, the thing is when i press the f2 (horn) button fast i get a short horn,(normal) when i press it again fast I dont get a short I get a long, like im holding the button, its like i cant control the horn well even if I press quick, sometimes it works sometimes a long. i went to my railroad buddys house he has the same engines he has an mrc systen, newer model and when i press the f2 his woirks fine, always short horn, any idea why that would do that and what i can do to fix it? anyone seen this? I have 2 engines they both sdo the same thing, i tried 2 controllers and both have plenty of power, so ima little stumped.

Is your buddy’s system also wireless, or is it a wired system?

his is wireless also.

MRC has made upgrades to their wireless products, so it is possible yours is an older version. It’s also possible that some of the issues they had could cause the problem you are describing, so I would contact MRC about making sure you have the latest version.

I have a wireless MRC system about the same age . At that time i believe they had upgraded , my controllers have a little tag inside the battery cover that sayd V2 , which at the time was the newest version. Not sure if its been upgraded since then.