Hello everone,
weird thing going on, I haver an MRC wireless system, about 3 years old, dont really have any issues with it, I just bought 2 QSI atlas gold c420 they work great, the thing is when i press the f2 (horn) button fast i get a short horn,(normal) when i press it again fast I dont get a short I get a long, like im holding the button, its like i cant control the horn well even if I press quick, sometimes it works sometimes a long. i went to my railroad buddys house he has the same engines he has an mrc systen, newer model and when i press the f2 his woirks fine, always short horn, any idea why that would do that and what i can do to fix it? anyone seen this? I have 2 engines they both sdo the same thing, i tried 2 controllers and both have plenty of power, so ima little stumped.