MRC Symphony 77

In a couple of weeks, my grandkids descend upon me and I am working toward completing a small layout for my two American Flyer trains, a steam engine and a diesel, each operating on a separate set of track with its own transformer. I have some switches set up for variety and some bridges in place for trains to cross above and below each other.

But, I don’t have any sound. I have been looking at the American Flyer billboards on eBay, but so far I haven’t tried to buy any for a variety of reasonse.g., cost, quality, restoration).

On my HO layout, I make extensive use of sound decoders and that is pretty cool. But, now, I am trying to figure out some sort of basic sound system on my American Flyer layout to add a little more excitement for the grandkids.

One option that I have considered is the MRC Symphony 77 sound system. It is on sale at Walthers for $70. It runs on AC simply by plugging in a walwart. I have heard the sounds of steam engines and diesels from this unit on Youtube, but not enough to get a good sense of what these sounds are actually like. Has anyone had any experience with the MRC Symphony 77 sound system. I could care less if the sound is prototypical, but is it realistic? Is it clear? For my purposes, is it worth it and will it be enough to entertain the grandkids? Any alternative suggestions.

I realize that this can all be quite subjective, but any thoughts that you might have would be helpful.

What do you all do for sound on your American Flyer and Lionel layouts?


I have one. The sounds are reasonably good. It comes with a key pad with one button for each sound. You hit the button and it makes the sound. The sound comes from stationary speakers instead of the locomotive. This may lessen the effect somewhat for some people. I have enjoyed mine well enough and would probably buy it again.



Great to hear from you.

Of all the buttons and sounds on the hand held throttle, I am simply interested in the button for the steam whistle sound and the button for the diesel whistle sound. The other stuff I don’t care about.

Are these two whistle sounds clear and believable? Do they last as long as you hold down the button, or do you just press and release the button and a short whistle is produced?



They are clear and believable. You get a choice between a short or long diesel horn or steam whistle. One button for each. You hit it once to get the sound. If you hold it down, you get the same sound over and over. There are quite a few sounds available. Squelling brakes, couplers marrying, stuff like that.
