I operate my layout with an Aristo Craft Train Engineer radio control wired to a block system. Being in analog and having so much money invested, I don’t want to back track and spend a lot of my funds for DCC. On the other hand, I desperately want sound! In particular, I want to have control of the bell and whistle from anywhere on the layout. [V]
My solution is a bit unorthodox, but it works! I took an RC accessory control unit and wired it to a diesel MRC Synchro Sound system. For a speaker, I used a large stereo speaker.
Below is the innards of the MRC Sound system with the wires being soldered in place.
I then tested all the wiring and functions and put the contraption back together. Here’s the finished product:
The MRC buttons still work and the unit is parked near my yard for easy access to the sound effects button. The walk around RC unit keys up the diesel sound on the first click of the speed button. The “D” and “E” push-button keys on the bottom active the whistle and turns the bell off and on.
Cheap sound! Now, I have my RC walk around cab control with two train operation, diesel sound tuned to my engines, and whistle & bell control! [:D]
I wonder why installing a decoder seems difficult after all those little wires? [D)]
How does it sound when running? I have been really wanting to get one or 2 since I am in N scale and doing DC. How about the low end? Are you getting a good rumble? Give a little review [:D] I have yet to hear anyone one post what they encountered with one.
There are three bells and three whistles you can choose from. You can also program the starting voltage for the engine to start notching up. The sound is great, but not quite spectacular. I like it and it’ll work for me.
Also, the Synchro Sound units can be used with DCC and be programed with the CV’s to activate the functions from the DCC controller.
Over all, I’d say this is worth the money. If you have a switching layout or small 4x8, it’d be great. The downside is that you are tethered to the speaker by the cord. That’s why I wired my RC controller the way I did. I wanted to be free!
Is there any particular questions I can answer, dthruman? There are a couple of buried threads that have a little additional info. You can search for those as well.
I am doing more of a switching layout, so I would imagine my engines would be doing a lot of idling, and start/stops, so you say it can be set to adjust to when a person’s engine starts to move?
Also. with the larger speaker, did it make a difference? I noticed there are 2 speakers, is it stereo?
When you say not spectacular, is it the recorded sound or the output of the speakers? I wonder if a guy wired it to an amplifier, watching how much you push, if it would come out a little crisper?
I will see if I can dig up those old threads, I tried a search once, but got back some totally off-the-topic results.
This is great, now I have the itch for the NWSL Chopper III and MRC Sound, besides those 2 MT auto-carriers and 2 Atlas MP15’s to buy. I need to win the lotto or marry a rich women into trains [:p]
Thanks DragonRider
The sound idles when the engine idles. On the first click up or move of the throttle, the sound notches up one notch. A few more clicks or slight opening of the throttle and it notches up again. Shut it down in a hurry and it drops back shortly thereafter just like the real thing. You can set the system so that the first notch happens at the same time your engine’s voltage gets to the “let’s move a bit” setting.
I didn’t use the little speaker included. I just went straight to the stereo speaker. I only used one. I’m not sure the output could handle two.
Spectacular in my book means that people are so impressed until they fall down and worship in awe. It ain’t gonna happen with this. BUT, the sound is great! It’s not cheap recordings, by any means.
Good luck!