MRC Tech 6 Sound controller


I am looking for some help and expertise I have a MRC Tech 6 Sound Controller that I am trying to figure out and learn about. I feel that I am still a little bit of a novice at model railroading and such, but live and learn right? I also understand that the MRC Tech 6 Sound Controller may not be that popular or the choice of many, but that is what I bought and want to make the most of and learn about. I am frustrated because I can’t get the locomotives to move. All the sounds and stuff work like the bell, headlight, horn, etc. and it responds when I turn the throttle up as it sound like the engine winding up or whatever u want to say even when I turn the throttle down it winds down, but the locomotive won’t move. I would appreciate some help on this issue. I know it is probably my lack of knowledge but like I said live and learn. Thanks.

Try the reset function to set the locomotive to the factory defaults, i.e. press shift and then 9,9; see manual for more detail. PS this will not work for a Tsunami decoder, for that you will have to take your loco somewhere that has a DCC system capable of reprogramming a Tsunami decoder.



Did you follow the advice,that Ken K gave you at MRC?? About reading the instructions from MRC,REGARDING,setting it up to run DCC engines??? According to what he said,you should be running already…IF you do indeed, have a DUAL mode decoder in the engines you are trying to run…




Just one more thing, From your description,it sounds like, the sound function is programmed, but the

motor, function, isn’t…

Just a thought,


What engine and decoder? Some sound decoders have a test mode that operates all the sounds but not the motor drive. Also, some engines(BLI Blueline, I believe) have a sound decoder, but no motor decoder, and will need the addition of a motor decoder to work with the Tech 6 in DCC mode.

As an aside, you do not actually have to have a dual mode decoder(although virtually all current decoders are) to operate with the Tech 6. When in DCC mode, the Tech 6 is placing a DCC signal on the rails, and so should work with all DCC decoders, dual mode or not. The Tech 6 is kind of confusing because it refers to it’s DCC mode as “Dual”, but it does not use the dual mode capability of decoders.


I agree with what you said, I believe the OP didn’t listen to what Ken K told him at MRC…
