MRR Subscribers...ENTER PLEASE!!! When do you get your mag??

I just started subscribing in July. The first issue came at the last day July for August’s issue. I thought that the magazine was out in stores the first of every month. So shouldn’t the subscribers get it the 1st of the month, or the last of the previous month(November issue-in stores Nov 1st, should get it Oct 31) right? Because ive been getting them the second, third or fourth of each month! When do you guys get it and when is it “supposed to” come? Thnks, a couple days behind dosn’t sound like alot, but if you know trains, then you want MRR ASAP! Thnks, bnsf97

I got mine last Friday(the 28th of October). I have my subscription through ‘NetMag’ and have been very pleased with the service(and the very low price).

Jim Bernier

I got mine last Friday(the 28th of October). I have my subscription through ‘NetMag’ and have been very pleased with the service(and the very low price).

Jim Bernier

I got mine last Friday(the 28th of October). I have my subscription through ‘NetMag’ and have been very pleased with the service(and the very low price).

Jim Bernier

It’s always varied for me… I usually get December just before or during the first week of November. This time it was here Oct 29…


I got mine on the 28th (along w/ Trains, Classic Trains, & Mainline Modeler…Whoopee Christmas early!!) Hobby shops generally get it about a week after subscribers which is about 3 or 4 weeks in advance of the issue date, Decmber MR in earl;y Nov so the date isn’t “stale” in the newsracks.

I generally get mine between the 1st and 5th of the month. Got CLASSIC TRAINS yesterday, so MR and TRAINS should be popping in any time now. BTW, there’s a photo spread on the ATSF around Flagstaff, after the big 1967 Arizona blizzard in CLASSIC TRAINS that is absolutely gorgeous!

Last day to first day of a month. give or take 24 hours subject to MR’s shipping window.

I used to receive my MR about the 28th of the month. It was regular as clockwork. The last few months, I have been receiving it later and later, sometimes as late as the 6th or 7th of the month. I always blame it on the closet model railroaders who work at the post office! LOL I have seen the issue on the magazine racks before I have received mine.

I received the Dec issue today, so maybe the publishing/shipping schedule is getting back to normal.

Darrell, quiet…for now

So Jim, do you have three subscriptions? (Three identical messages [:D] )

Bob Boudreau

I received the December issue on October 28th, and this seems to be the normal delivery schedule – always near the end of the month, and at least one month prior to the cover date.

Please read !!!
I had a simular problem back in 1988. All it took was a simple call to the company to correct it. Look in the front of the magazine I’m not sure who you need to call perhaps it the editor. This is the one time it helps to do something as an individual.

I normally get in a couple days before the first of the month.


The cover date on magazines refers to when the next issue will replace the one in hand.
A January issue, for example, will be “replaced” by a February issue in January. It’s sort of a “display and sell till…” sort of label.

I got mine on the 1st which is about normal. Some times it may run as late as the 8th but is really rare.


Probably will come today or tomorrow, and maybe on saturday. (Nov. 3-5th)

Got mine on the 28th(Friday),for December issue… I usually get it the first week of the month. Prefer to get it at end of month,like it did this time.

Usually, mine comes the first week of the month before the cover date. December was a little early coming the last week in October.

The Issue doesn’t show up on the newstands untill closer to the middle of the month, as from what I see in the e-mail newsletter anyway. So if you are getting it the third or Fourth day of the month it’s still ahead of time. For intance, this weeks e-mail letter says the November issue is due out Nov 8th to newstands. So if you get it any time before then, you are still getting it early.

But to answer your question, I get mine always on the last day for first day of the month, unless the first is a Sunday, then sometimes it is the Second.

Noah Hofrichter
Reedsburg WI

I usually receive every issue a few days before the 1st of the month. I have noticed In the past year that I’ve had a couple issues arrive on the 4-5th of the month. Not very often though and it beats going to the newstand.