Mrs. Mini Me... and a friend

I just finished two new figures. One is a model of my lovely wife Cris, and the other is based on one of the servers at my favorite restaurant. This first shot is one of the reference photos I used for Cris: And here she is in miniature. I also improved the hairline on my figure while I was at it: I tried out a new technique to model Cris’ eyes, but it didn’t work out as well as I had hoped. Still, she is recognizable and looks pretty good from a short distance: Here’s one of the reference photos I used to model Rebekah: Here’s my model of Rebekah:

Hi Ray, Your good lady should be very proud of you, I wish I could do that sort of figure work. They look great [tup] Enjoy them

Ray, you are truly inspiring. That’s some nice work.

Excellent Ray! [bow]

Faces are the most difficult bit for me. I end up doing older men as my women figures often look as if they need a shave.

Hats off!


PS. What do you use as clay? Formo? Do you do the whole figure or bake in stages?

I use Premo, which is made by Sculpy. I bake the figures in stages – usually lots of stages.

Wow you did a great job on them.

Very very good. I also like the water tower in the back ground.

Thanks! The water tower is a scale model of the old SD&A tower at Dos Cabesas, in the Anza-Borrego desert.