Anyone else having a problem? As of today I’m logged out of MRVP and cannot log back in - the system just resets to the main screen with the login button when I try. My subscription is paid into 2022.
Anybody else having a similar problem?
I’m wondering if this has something to do with the upcoming change to
I thought I would be adventerous and log out and then see if it would let me log back in, but clicking Logout didn’t see to do anything - I’m still logged in. Hmm.
Yeah, I can’t logout either. Not that I want to but tried it since it came up here. I did have to log-in just a couple days ago though for some reason. Usually Stays logged in every time I open site.
I’m on Safari, use a VPN and this site servived my apple update last night. Which is always touch and go with their updates!