Mt Coffin Columbia--slight modification question

I’m gonna start working on my layout basically following the mt Coffin Columbia plan. Table will be 24x48" will be leaving most of the water out. I’m not wild about the “car cassette” yard. If I added 6-8" to the length would that make a decent “yard”? My other thought is to make it an L shaped layout. 24" deep and 48" each way. So basically it would add a 24" square off one side. (hope I explained that ok…would cover a 48" square of the room in a corner. In this idea I could avoid having to have access to Both sides of the layout and have it against the wall If I relocate the mine and tipple siding. Any thoughts/opinions welcome. Back into the hobby after a really long break and am A newbie again for sure

Hi DSchroeder,

you should try to draw your plans; it might be revealing.

When using Kato snaptrack it is completely impossible to build the Mt C & C in the space you have. Even when using the sharpest turnouts and smallest radius.

You might pay attention to the concept of staging.



The “car cassette” yard is the railroads interchange with the outside world. The interchange doesen’t have to be a cassette or the casette necessairly in that location. It could be a fixed part of the layout, or eliminated and a track on the main table designated as a interchange. Alternatively you could eliminate interchange of cars completely. Many isolated railroads hace existed.

A cassette lets you add and remove cars (and engines) without having to physically pick each one up individually.