Does anyone know if MTH made a Blue Comet in O scale that was similar in appearance to the 400 E Lionel Blue Comet? Was it equipped with Proto 2? Thanks much, Jake
Jake : I found this one in the 2006 Vol. 2 catalog #20-3259-1, page 94& 95. It’s a premier eng. so it would have PS-2. With that you may be able to dial it up on their web-site !!
Thanks, John
Hey John, I see you are in steelhead country! I fish Elk Creek near Sterratania a good bit for steelies.
That engine you sent me the product number for is the one I see most often. I thought MTH made an engine that looked like the old Lionel 400E Blue Comet in O gauge. Maybe I just thought they made it, not sure. Thanks for replying, Jake
Jake, MTH made a Blue Comet in standard gauge, but I am not aware of one in tinplate O gauge. I’m not an expert so I may be wrong.
I finally found it! It’s an MTH 10-3013-1. O scale blue comet in two tone blue with Proto 2. Pretty tough to find one however, product locator said one, but it’s been sold. thanks again for looking, Jake
Jake : do you mean the Elk Creek in Lake City Pa. , right by Girrard Pa. ? When are you coming again ? I’m trying to think where Starratania is.
No, I don’t think they made an tin-plate one in O either, but I’ll check my catalogs !!
Thanks, John
The fall run is pretty much over, but if the creeks thaw, we might get some more fishing in before they move back into Erie in the spring. Sterratania is at the McKean exit, turn right, and travel a mile or so, you’ll cross Elk Creek right there, I fish from the bridge up usually.
Talked to Rich at MTH, the 10-3013-1 was a tin plate O scale Blue Comet with Proto 2. Now to find one. I’ll let you know when I’m headed that way again, Jake
Ok Jake !! Maybe see you in the spring !! Keep us posted if you find that train !!
Thanks, John
This shop is showing one on their stock list, you may want to call them.
Phone #609-522-2379