MTH GE Evolutution vs Old - really old - transformer

I just purchased a new MTH GE Evolution Premier engine. The only other engine I have ever owned is from the Lionel Pennsylvania Flyer set I got back in the mid to late 80’s. This is where the controller/transformer came from as well. This new engine doesn’t run on the fastrack I have. It will sometimes turn on and go thru the start up process and run for a few feet, but then die again. When I throw the caboose on the same track it will light up like it is suppose to. I built a small section of track(4 pieces long), and it will run, but very slow. Is the controller not putting out enough power to the tracks? Is it a bad engine? Any help is greatly appreciated. My controller is lionel model 4660. input 120v 50/60hz, output 0-17vdc, 20vac, maximum output 7va total.

You have no replies yet. I’m not that big on MTH engines but can’t think of any obvious problem. Your gonna need an MTH answer. Check the engine for any buttons or switches that might be in the wrong position. Read the manual. I think they are designed to run on 18 volts but I would think it should function on 17v.

Keep running that engine on a DC transformer and you may ruin it. That engine I believe is a AC engine. Your Lionel transformer came from a set back in the 80 and it was for a DC train set that lionel tried to have low cost train sets to get people to buy them.

You need a different transformer. Ebay has plenty of transformers. I would

Wish you luck.

I would look for a MTH transformer althou a Lionel will like 1044, 1034,

I missed that DC thing. Yes you are definitly using the wrong transformer. You need an AC one with bell and whistle control. The MTH Z1000 Would be a good choice. Do not buy a Lionel CW-80 they are not compatible with most MTH engines. Other Lionel AC transformers are ok but older ones will not have both horn and bell controls.