Hi there,
I have a MTH GS-4 Daylight. This locomotive is essentially new and is box stock. It has less than 10 hours of running time but is past warrantee.
I am running a Lenz DCC system with a LH-90 controller.
It had been running fine however now it only has the sounds (start up, engineer talking, bells, whistle, etc) when the F3 switch is activated but will not move on its own power nor will the headlight illuminate.
Once or twice in the past it made the chuffing sounds and braking sounds like it was moving however it did not move. The “fix” was to send value 55 to CV 55 however it does not fix the problem now.
Now the problem is even worse because it does not do any movement or sounds like it is moving…only the whistle, bells, and F4 PFA sounds. When I am “Programming on the Main” (Lenz terminology for changing functions such as braking and acceleration while the train is running) the whistel will blow twice.
Do you have any suggestions to fix this?