I have three [NS line]. Two work great. One flashing the lights on and off. I have even had it trip the old EUnits in the older Lionels. Sitting still on the track, most of the time it is dark [with 18V applied to the track]. This has done this since it was new. So I took it apart. Made sure everything was clean and contacts were tight, blug sockets were tight to body and copper contacts were tight on axles . Made sure that trucks were making good contact to metal body [had two shims under each truck screw]. Cleaned rollers. Still did not want to work good but was a little better. Would work great if I put down pressure on the body. Cured the problem. Stuck train body weights inside a little heavy now]. Now it works great all the time. My theory, springs on the rollers are not tight enough to insure they are making good contact with track. Funny, the other ones have worked great without weights.
Frank – there are two things to check.
check the wire from the center rail pick up roller, where it clips to the wiring in the caboose. Sometimes the clip needs tighting.
Check the brass spring that goes across the axels, it provides ground. Make sure it is providing a good ground.