I have and operate Lionel trains on O-27 Track. I recently purchased my first MTH PRR L-1 locomotive that operates on O-31 track. Can I operate the MTH on My Lionel O-27 Track?
I don’t know about that particular locomotive; but I run the Rail King Big Boy on O27 with a few modifications. Have you tried it?
Hi Locojunkie,
My best guess is yes. I have many MTH Berkshire and Mohawks.
click on pic to enlarge
Two things to check
- The length of the wire harness from the tender. If you need a longer one, remove the tender cover and pull more cord out. There is usually extra cord in it.
- The other thing is going thru switches. I use the Kline low profile turnouts. If you are using Lionel switches, you may have a problem with the switch motor housing.
Check out my web page by clicking on the icon below to see some of the other engines I run on 027 layout. Also click on the links on the bottom of the pages to see some action videos.
Good Luck
I pulled the tether on my Big Boy’s tender out as far as it would go, but the conductors eventually broke anyway. When I tried to order a replacement, the web site showed none available. I called the company. The very helpful woman who answered the phone explained that they had replaced the original tether part with one of two generic tethers of different lengths. She assumed that I would want the shorter, which was the normal replacement for the Big Boy; but I asked her to send the longer one, which has been fine so far.
Locojunkie, the MTH engine should go around your O27 track without problems. Many of the Railking engines MTH makes are capable of O27 operation. In fact, MTH’s “O31” track is closer to “O29” when measured center rail to center rail. Enjoy your new engine!!
The diameter of Lionel tubular O31 is 28 1/4" on centers. The diameter of O27 is 25" on centers.
You can’t be sure that any particular MTH O31 locomotive will do O27. However, there’s a good chance that it will out of the box and a good chance that, if it won’t, it can be modified to. But no guarantee.
Locojunkie,I have a Rail King PRR 2-10-0 decapod,that the box says 42" curves.It easily goes around O-31,with the blind #5 rear wheel moving over the curve and not touching.Looks odd if you are looking for it,but works fine.This unit also has the Long Haul tender,but it goes around without trouble.I also have Williams FM Trainmasters that go around O-27 with no problems.
Dave W.
I’ve got a set of Williams madison style passenger cars, about 15!/2" each. They recomend 31 inch curves but I love to run them on O27. With the six cars running all lit up they kind of pivot around the curves. It’s great with the lights off in the room, each car flashes through the curves. Also use my 736 Berk. on O27 - no problem.
Pjwilson, I been having similar questions about what will run on 027 track. Can your Lionel 736 Berkshire go through 027 curves and 027 switches? If it can, does that mean that current Williams Berkshires can also make it through 027 curves and switches? Half the people I talk to say that Berkshires have no problem with 027 curves and the others say it is too tight, and causes the wheels to bind. What is your opinion?