MTH Triplex

Old question on the new look forum. Who is using and working with MTH Triplex or any MTH system? I am using Digitrax and can not even DENT into MTH functions. Anybody got any ideas?

I have a program track With a Booster and I am running Decoder Pro on A MAC and a PC.

Any headway on this subject?

MTH products are intended to be used with DCS systems, and, because of this, some options are not available on DCC.

David B

Use NCE PowerCab with 28 functions and you will hear all MTH sounds.

It’s kind of funny how when MRC came out with a 28 function system, people said you’d never need that many F functions. Now this problem about not being able to access higher functions seems to come up more and more. Other than NCE and MRC, does any other system have 28 functions? (or any plans to make them?)

Digitrax too. But you still don’t need them. What ARE those 28 functions anyway? Conductor calls from the platform, a ‘train wreck’, rail clickity clack? ? Fun I suppose if you’re into toys. Can you turn the bell on on off? The lights? Blow the whistle? On a diesel, activate dynamic brakes? Yes, and you don’t need 28 functions to do it. Just looking at the list on the MTH site, I don’t see one thing over F12 that I’d ever want to use for running the loco like the real thing. And some of those in the range of F0-F12 sound kind of silly as well. If there’s ones above F12 that seem more useful, remap them, if the decoder allows it. I’m still waiting for some actual practical uses for 28 functions. And which DCC company will release the first handheld with enough buttons to use all 28 without silly ‘shifts’ and so forth. Although when someone does, you can bet it will be called too ‘complicated’ because of all the buttons.


Two of my friends have the Lentz system and sent theirs away for the latest upgrade and now they can access all 28 functions. It seems to work good with the MTH engines but like Randy said most of the functions are things that you probably would not use very often and you have to shift from one stack to the other. I’m interested to see if MTH’s new coupler system is going to work first then I might go with the Lentz system. I’m planning to buy at least two of the SD70’s if they ever appear on the market, then I will go with a system that access’s all functions.


I have posted previously that I dont feel the need to buy 28 functions. As long I can run the whistle, control the lights and sound as well as the switches, it’s plenty for me.

Besides I dont need to be buying MTH’s super duper control system or to upgrade my DCC just to get all the extra stuff. I mean, come on, who uses a radio on the early 1900’s aboard a train engine?

I do appreciate what MTH is trying to do, provide a product filled with fun things. But at 500+ dollars for the engine and another wad of change to get all 28 functions is just too much for me. Besides I like driving choo choo… not punching buttons while the thing sneaks off the end of the train table.

Besides the JMRI will be able to do whatever number of functions up to whatever the computer’s limit on a very large number into the future.

I do not care about the 28 functions all I want to do is get the INPORTANT CV’s correct. 3,4 I understnad that they talk in fractions of a second so CV=1 should be MAX but it is NOT. I can set it CV=0 and NOTHING changes. Yes I am in ops mode.

Hi Randy, how is Pa?

Going good here, about ready to start on a new layout and stuff. As for the MTH locos - I don;t think there’s a lot you can do to change things with DCC - you might have to take it to a hobby shop with a DCS system to make any serious changes - their online instructions even mention it might get stuck not smoking because the msoke intensity got changed and that’s a DCS only setting, for example. The only thing they even tell you about changing in DCC is the address - and even that they have backwards - they tell you to change CV29 first. I guess it’s ok because the numebred units come with the cab number preprogrammed as the 4 digit address, and they mention unnumbered units are 3333 by default. Disappoining to say the least, but if they want to use a proprietary system while the rest of the world goes with a standard system, more power to them.


the MTH locos operate with all nmra compatible dcc systems, plus their own DCS system, and regular analog D.C.

due to the many programming protocols in the various dcc systems, MTH felt it better to leave out program track programming, so you can only program them on the main or in ops mode.

verify that they run out of the box on default address # 3, then with your Digitrax dcc system, [i use a DT400 throttle], enter ops mode programming, [Pom] shows in the display, twist the encoder for either “Ad2”-2 digit address or “Ad4” - for a four digit address, input the address of your choice, press enter. if you are using a 4 digit address don’t forget to hit the “Yes” button within 2 seconds to activate the 4 digit address. for other types of CV programming, twist the l/h encoder until CV# appears and twist the r/h encoder for the cv value then input your cv values one at a time.

if you MTH loco loses it’s address- remove any other MTH locos or any loco you have with address # 55 from the main track.

leave the senile one on the main and in ops mode, dial up- Loco # 55, CV # 55, then input “55” into CV # 55…this will reset the loco to default address # 3, and you can re assign it a four digit address from there.

“operate with” means it can respond ot the comamnds, and indeed it does. The address is not hard to program. They even tell you how. It’s the OTHER settings that are useful, like start, mid, and top voltages that are a pain if simply not supported under DCC.


using ops mode I tried to set CV3 nad cv 4 and got NOT change in the performance of the loco. I tried from the low to high 1,2,3 etc and no change was ever noticed in the momentum of the unit. On the MTH Yahoo I was told that I did not know enogh about DCC to do that change. SAY WHAT anyway I just put up with it like I do the MRC Challenger and it’s maybe I run and maybe I don’t attitude.

Randy was up in Reading in 10/07 and bought a vintage race car. Still have not had a chance to run it yet.

Bummer, should have said something, probably could have hooked up for lunch and talked cars and trains and whatever.

I noticed in the review of the Niagara in the lated MR there’s only about 10 things you can adjust on the MTH locos with an NMRA DCC system. The reviewer didn’t go into detail, just mentioned that as part of review. If you’relucky and you have a LHS that deals with MTH they may have a DCS system set up on a test track and could adjust the other things - if they even apply when running under DCC.


Hi George,

I’m sorry I don’t use Decoader Pro so I can’t offer any advice on using it with your Triplex. I have successfully adjusted the CV’s on my MTH engines with my NCE system, so I know it can be done. It’s just a matter of figuring out what’s different about your Digitrax setup. When it works the difference between values of 1 and 3 in CV’s 3 and 4 will be quite noticable. I have done a fair amount of ops mode programming on other peoples layouts with Digitrax and also had success with the MTH engines. I know you’ve been fighting this battle for a while but I’ll try to help if you want to keep trying. What Digitrax system and cab are you using? If I can find a similar system I’ll try one of my engines and see if I can get it working.


Just a slight correction, Randy. The review is on a NYC Mohawk. [:)]

With that said, I’m wasn’t too keen about reading of MTH’s decision to limit the access to the # of CVs on their Mohawk. Seems like a marketing strategy to get you to buy their DCS system. I’d love to hear the rationale behind it.

Speaking of which, where is mthrules when you need 'em? (I just checked. He hasn’t visited here since July 2006. [:O])


Dave Dt400 with DCS100. I have been playing with it but have NOT just spent a whole day doing it.

All I want to do is to stop the drag strip start and neck jerk stops. I have played with CV3 and CV4 but as I stated no visible change was seen. Is there another CV that must also be set? All this was OPS since program track is out for that unit. If I get this working to where I like it I will buy the one reviewed in MRM.