Mu Hose colors?

What colors should the ends of the Mu hose’s be? I know the hose is black but are the ends color coded? what about the fitting ends next to the loco body? silver?

I am painting My Gp9 and need to know. Thanks

This one is pretty fresh out of the paint shop.

The gladhands are cast metal, can look silver, but they do get dirty with use. The tops of the hoses still have the labels on them. These wear off before too long.

Usually the ends aren’t color coded. There may be color coded spots on the engine next to the hose fitting, or letters. Depends what your prototype did.

After a while, the gladhands get weathered.

Thanks Mike, That’s what I was looking for. Great photo by the way

A lot of the new ones I’ve seen are an off gold zink chromate color. Many are also painted red/green/yellow up where they connect to the loco.

I always painted them silver.

I think I’ll go with Silver also. Thanks for the replies