This morning for the first time, I tried MUing a couple of my engines… a Kato and a P2K. I used my Digitrax DCH-50 and followed the directions in its manual and everything was very easy to do. Running the Kato separately (not in a multiple unit) I saw that its starting speed on the DCH-50 is about the 1 1/4th mark while the P2K begins to move a little sooner or when the ‘speed’ control lever is at a little less than the 1 mark. This being the case the P2K begins to move a little earlier than the Kato.
My question is, does this harm either locomotive when they are MU’ed together? The Kato was the ‘lead’ engine in the mu therefore it controlled speed etc., according to Digitrax.
Also, a kind of strange thing. I had parked the MU’ed train on a siding, turned off the power and selected loco #1217, a steamer sitting on another siding. When I hit the power button #1217 came to life but so did the MU’ed train even though it was not selected. I put 1217 in forward, gave it some power and it moved forward but the MU’ed train did not, only the sound revved up and down as I gave 1217 more or less power. What would cause this?
Let me try to clarify the difference in speeds of the two units in the MU. These speed differences were noted before they were MUed. The P2K, the one whose ‘begins to move’speed point’ is lower does seem to be the first one to move when it is MUed with the Kato unit.
Is there a chance you MU’d one of your diesels and the Steamer previously? If so they may still be MU’d and you will have to DeMU them.
On the other issue all my engines run at different speeds and accelerate at different rates and when I MU them there doesn’t seem to be an issue. My only concern would be if there are considerable differences in speed and acceleration between the units MU’d I would then check for overheating on a regular basis until I was sure it was safe.
Jarrell - You will have to adj some CV’s for each loco so each start/acc/decell about the same. I can’t remember the eact CV’s at the moment but I select two Loco’s I want to MU and adj the start/accel/decell/mid/max CV’s so each have similar characteristics. As far as your odd behavior (your MU’ed locos not you) I have no idea. Maybe someone with more knowledge than I will come along and solve it for you.
If you do a little adjusting to the speed tables, and t the acceleration CV, you can get the Kato and P2K to start and run at exactly the same speed. I have been able to this with my Katos and P2Ks. It takes a little trial and error in programing the CVs, but it is worth it.
I suspect the P2K is giving the Kato a bit of a small bump at starting to overcome inertia. I would follow Joe’s suggestion and watch for over heating in either engine or an obvious extreem difference in running or acceleration speeds. If you start playing with speed tables and acceleration you might get to a point that you have created a problem of getting them completely out of sync.
I take it that neither engine is being dragged or pushed along while running under the current consisting at normal operating speed.
Good luck with more sucessful consisting!
Much obliged for the information guys. I think you’re right in that you have to adjust the cv that controls speed to get them real close. It would probably be a lot better to also have two diesels from the same maker and perhaps even the same model.
Thanks for your thoughts on it.