Hey dear friends, Something strange happend to me. I shall try to explain it in my school English. I bought a new loco. It’s a steamer a Type 12 from the NMBS ( Belgain RR) with extensive possibilities ( functions). At the start the functions worked fine. I used the Maultimaus a master and the Maus 3 a slave. Then I unplugged the M3 . Now the extensive possibilities are gone on my MM ( multimaus). Strange… when I plugged in the M3 I have limited pssibilities .Only 4 , withs is correct , because the M3 has only 4 functions buttons. When I plugged in the MM (Multimaus) none …nothing …( by pressing the selected button) even the light didn’t work. Again my M3 and it worked fine. What happend here ?? I don’t now. Did I do something wrong ?? Is there a total reset function for the MM ( back to factory settings , if so how can I do it (which buttons to press). In my guide written in Dutch, there is no statements and / or explanation for this problem. Can can someone help me with this problem or help me pls ?? Thx

Perhaps nobody uses this DCC protocol from Roco ?? Or is my explanation is not sufficiently clear? Ask if you like .

I don’t think too many people ehre have any Roco DCC systems. While there are plenty of peopel from Europe here, I’d say the majority are from the US and Canada, and while the Lokmaus was offered here, I don’t think it sold very well.

Since your loco works fine with the one control, I’m going to say this is not a problem with the decoder. As to why the other one will not send function commands - I really have no idea. Do other locos work fine on either controller?


Hi argilla,

did you ever heard about the following two forums??

Maybe you can find help in one of these german forums.

Good luck