Must Be Conductors or Engineers Birthday????

You tell me if I’m correct or not, This is not my video.

Not toilet paper…its the train sheet…he, or she, is being funny.

Ed is right but i have taken the toilet paper from our crew packs and hung it from the mirror in the rain and it took 75 miles for it to tear off at 50 mph it some strong stuff

Railroads must use John Wayne Toliet Paper then.

what is on a train sheet?

train sheet, wheel report its a list of your train car numbers location and what the load is or if its empty the weight of it, if its hazmat it will tell you reportable quanities , what to do if it gets spilled how far to run before you call someone. those kinda things

Well John wayne toliet paper aint got anything on this stuff its more like super man strong. A friend of mine who works for the CSX got a knuckel one day and they didnt have any knuckels and the knuckels we use On the NS wont swap with CSX knuckels so we took this NS toliet paper and wraped it around the draw bar and they took off and got their train in. And that toliet paper is only 1 ply just imagine what it would do if it was 2-ply

UP always does things in a big way. So they never used flags but rather banners. Thus those are white banners designating an “extra train”.

[(-D] I nominate this for the ‘Paul Bunyan’ tall tale of the week ! Good one ! [tup]

P.S. - Both parts - the incompatible NS and CSX coupler knuckles, and the improvisational use of the T-paper.

This is beginning to sound like Cal Bunyan’s railroad. Among other superlatives, the locomotive headlight was so bright that it had to be covered over with six inch armor plate so it would not keep the chickens along the way up all night or dry up the wheatfields with it

[(-D] [tup]

I heard that in the steam days, the old hoggers were so tough that they used this stuff.

In the “not-so-distant” past, NS traincrews didn’t even get this. They got a “Zip-Lock Baggie” and had to provide their own TP.

Is this real or is it a joke?

I have one question to ask to you, How do you get a perminent picture on your posts below what you typed, like you have that picture of that Amtrak Train with Bob on the Bottom Right Corner of the picture. I’m just curious how you and other people do that.

Sounds like a story that would be told by Hap Shaugnessy (of Red Green fame).

If Trains did the little column fillers like Readers Digest, there would be a couple of good candidates here…


[%-)] On this particular thread, I’m not sure that the correct answer would be appropriate![;)]


Must have been in the days before drug testing when we stayed stoned, cause i think i missed this era,

There we go again, another expert chiming in who really doesn’t know. Zip-Lock baggie? No toilet paper? No, it wasn’t quite as bad as all of that.

Oh, Wabash, in the days before drug testing, we mostly had toilets that went out directly to the ground.