It’s shorter than the other one.
Comment: I’m typing this from my dial-up computer and it is a lot quicker than the other shot I had here.
Gee Dougal, I’ve been here 2 months, and mine hasn’t changed, though it has been stolen by CNWfan5525, what am I doing wrong?[%-)][swg]
I tried to put a picture of an SD90-MAC in mine but now it’s not working.
Hey dougal I went to and got this. Thanks for the site!
I just hope no one else complains!
i know i know that people have been complaining about the size. but if they are .gif images you can go to a site called or something and resize them there. for me i have my pictures developed onto a CD so i can resize them and all of that.
i think the pics are great but i still think the size of mine is a perfect size to have, granted you probably can’t see all the detail and everything but its a lot better than slowing everything down way more.
I’m sorry would you like me to take it off?[#offtopic]
I like the Conrail pic you put on
Thanks CNW!!!
Nah, CNW, go ahead and keep it on, if I was really upset, I would have said something earlier, since I’ve been aware of it for a while now. I kinda figured that this was a good opportunity to call you on it, since this is almost a private topic, and I suspected you might see it when most other members wouldn’t.
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I’ll go along with that, but I’m not sure if I should say thank you.[:)][:)]
How about change it to “If it doesn’t have flanged wheels, I don’t like it!”
Perhaps, but I’d rather he just quote me.[;)]
There! I finally found a picture I like that’s decent in size. Big Boy all the way!
that picture saw your name and got scared away[:D][:D][:D][:D]
Hey Lupo, I think Fergie is getting dizzy, any way to slow that down?[:D]
it is making me dizzy
It’s a runaway train!!!
Also got another sig downthere, watch closely!![(-D][(-D][(-D]
Y o u a r e g e t t i n g v e r y s l e e p y…[|)][|)][|)][zzz][zzz][zzz]