My Atlas C420 is non responsive

Checked it out when I first got and it ran OK

Can’t remember whether I used the Short address 3 or got the long address in

Using NCE Power cab

Took it out of the cabinet and went through the programming for the long address --Reads the decoder version as 007 and then I try and set the long address which it takes but the engine just sits there

Tried in on DC and it doesn’t do anything there either

My other engines still work with the NCE Cab no problems


Is it not moving on the programming track? If so, shut down the layout/programming track/Power Cab and power it back up again. I had locomotives not respond after programming them and this seemed to rectify the problem.

Or…you may just want to perform a decoder reset and start over. That way you can program the short and long address together.

Keep us posted, Bob…



When I first got it I programmed the engine number 22 in

Trying to run it I selected 22 which didn’t work

I tried 220 thinking maybe that is what I used

That didn’t work

So I reprogrammed several times with 22 which didn’t work

Read the book and it says when selecting long address under 127 you have to use *then address when selecting the engine

Using *22 all is OK and it works

Must have some thing to do with 112-127 being reserved for consist numbers

Well yes it works on DCC/sound which is what I want but DC is No Go

Do you think I could have screwed up some Config Bit for DC ?

CV 29 is what has the DC control

Does anyone know what the default setting is for CV29 ?


I would just perform a decoder reset (to take it back to factory defaults) and program it again. For a 4-digit “short” address like “22”, I would use “0022”.


I checked the CV29 and DC is set

It just takes forever to respond on DC --I forgot that about DCC/DC decoders

So my morning starts out right

That is exactly why you cannot program a long address under 128 without a leading zero. A long address between 1 and 127 will have an asterisk before the loco address in the Power Cab window.

As you have discovered, CV29 is a multi-function CV that includes the option to select DC or DCC.


When in doubt, put it on the Programming Track and “read” the CV’s including the long address.

Or, alternatively, reset the decoder to factory defaults and reprogram it.

Or, just put it on the Programming Track and re-program it without first resetting it to factory defaults.
