I just installed a Lenz 1014 decoder in my Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0. It runs backwards in forward and forward in reverse. All CV 's were programmable, address, acceleration, start voltage etc. I removed the decoder and plugged it in the other way [maybe not a good idea] but it still runs in reverse of normal. Any ideas? I emailed Lenz but I won’t hear from them till tomorrow at the earliest. I thought one of you guys might know whats wrong. Thanks.
i have a couple decoders like that. I just learned to live with them
There is a CV for this, unfortunately I can’t remember which one. A few years ago I wired a decoder in backwards, i.e. the wires that go to the motor got reversed. I went on line with a question similar to yours and was told to change the value of a certain CV and Presto! that took care of the problem. It was several years ago and only happened once so I can’t recall the specifics.
Decoders have the option of flipping the direction for the consisting of diesels such as F7’s where one is running in reverse in a lash-up of two or more. Its decoder would be flipped in direction to read reverse as forward. All decoder directions have CV lists look for the direction CV in your instructions and reprogram it to read forward. Or try the reset CV…
CV 29 is the one you are looking for. The Lenz manual says it is bit 0 of CV 29. Read the section of your manual on CV29 and the options you want to incorporate and program the CV accordingly. Decoder pro would make child’s play of this but in real life it is more complicated. One of the Lenz gurus here or on the Atlas forum can probably work out the value you need in CV 29.
Good luck,
If it isn’t in programming, you can switch the orange and gray wires. This should work. Oops, just noticed you have a plugged decoder, is the orange wire in the plug slot
number 1? It may not be numbered, but it will be a different hole than the others. It may have a dot next to it, or be larger or somehow different. The orange goes in that hole.
Good Luck,
Add 1 to CV29 will reverse the normal direction of travel, but inless you are working with say a diesel and your road ran them long hood forward and the model was built as short hood forward, you shouldn’t have to do this. If your locos runs opposite the direction switch, that is a sign that you put the 8 pin plug inthe 8 pin socket backwards. It’s designed the way it is so all that happens IS your loco runs backwards, rather than frying the decoder. No harm done, just reverse the 8 pin plug and all will be fine.
I’ve put the plug in both ways it still runs backwards for forward and forward for reverse. BTW it a steam engine.
Fixed it! Changed CV29 value from 0 to 1. Thanks guys
If you add 1 to the value, it will reverse the direction.
Try setting the value at 006. If it still runs backwards, change the value to 007. This should
determine if this is the problem. Dave
P.S. If you are using 4 digit addressing the values will be 026 for forward and 027 for reverse.
Edit: nevermind[:D]
Wierd, runs backwrds no matter which way you plug it in? There must be some additional components in the circuit between the 8 pin socket and the motor, that’s not normal OR right. Newer Bachmann engines have a couple of noise supression capacitors in them these should be removed (clip them off). Some have a choke coil or two in them as well, which can interfere with the motor drive pulses from the decoder.
That behavior seems strange to me, too. The 8-pin connector is designed so that if you plug it in backwards the locomotive will run in reverse and one or both of the lights won’t work. There should be no danger of damaging a locomotive by installing the connector backwards.
try reinstalling it
He posted that HE FIXED IT and no less than four people posted things to try after that. Uhh…HE FIXED IT. No need to try the other stuff. HE FIXED IT.
NCE has the same problem. They always have the decoder directions backwards and then when you put it in it doesn’t run properly but then when you place the chip in reverse it works. It dosen’t matter if it’s in reverse, its just putting the electricity through a different rought.