ways to improve??
ways to improve??
Not bad. You have successfully killed the plastic gloss that makes a good model look like a toy. You have some rust spots and the rain has washed the rust down the side of the car. It looks like a modern car, in good condition, but with enough weathering to make it look as if it had been out of doors for a few years. You could weather it more heavily, many do, but it’s effective as is.
One suggestion, next time you photograph it, make a plain background. The shiny roof of the autorack behind it makes it hard to see where one car leaves off and the other begins.
Overall, a decent weathering job.
It’s definitely far more subtle than my first oil weathering attempt recently! I’ll give you a tip I read online somewhere to help with the slight wiggle in your rust stains. Try putting a small dot of oil paint on the car, letting it dry a bit, and then dabbing turpentine/turpenoid (the latter doesn’t smell) above the dot. As it runs down, it should create a straighter or more natural stain. I haven’t been able to try it myself, since most of my things are packed due to an upcoming move.
Very nice. I like the subtle approach. I would however, if it were mine, fade the lettering juuuust a touch, or if you already have ( it looks like you very well may have a bit) , just a touch more. Not heavily faded, but just take the boldness out of the black. Still looks good as it is though.
Nice! I would only make the TOPS of the rust stains a bit darker than the bottom. Actually, after enlarging your photo it looks like some are - I think they all should be. Other than that, better than my first try, by far!
Gordon,I tryed oils and prefer water based paints. Artist water based paints are less forgiving and only require a little water on the brush and surface. The artist tube paints are not cheap,about 9 bucks US.I use the tube paints for rust effects and Polly scale paints for a larger surfaces. I use water based pencils (prismacolor)for sharp Horizontal rust streaks,like the Southern Pacific car above. Be sure to use a Photo of the said car when weathering.Dave