Man was I excited. UPS dropped off my swivel-head pin vice with bits from #61 to 80. A #80 is about the size of a flea’s eyewinker.
I ended up dumping them all on the floor. Then discovered that the plastic box they came in has a dispenser. I was lucky to find all of the bits.
My first try I used the #61, the largest, as I don’t want to start breaking the thin ones. Found out that the pin vice contains 4 collets in secret compartments. The trick is to get the bit into the collet and tighten it without breaking the bit or getting it in crooked.
Took several tries to do this.
My first experiment was on my valuable K-Line PRR Ted’s Root Beer boxcar. My goal was to drill a hole into the underside and up thru the floor, just for the heck of it, not for any particular reason.
I placed the swivel head in the palm of my hand and using my thumb and pointer finger of the same hand holding the swivel, I started twisting it into the plastic.
I found that to make the drill bite in, I needed to apply some pressure. Fortunately, it was just the right amount of pressure to get the bit going and not enough to snap the bit.
I’m still a bit afraid to use the smallest bits, which, as I think I mentioned, are about the width of a hair on a gnat’s rear end (not that I’ve ever seen a gnat’s rear end, mind you).
If anyone wants to share their pin vice techniques, please do so, as I’ve got some trepidation about those #80 bits.
BTW, projects I plan to use the pin vice for include handgrabs and locomotive and rolling stock detailing.
One thing that leaves me a bit puzzled is trying to figure out what gauge wire goes with what number bit.
If anyone knows, please share the secret!