My First with Firsthobby of Decatur.

My First Athearn purchase, First on line purchase, First with
Great price, immediate order reply confirmation, part of the original issue distribution,
account charged on shipping date & received UPS tracking number…


They get better.

My Challenger arrived minus one operating rivet pin and qualified as an “out of the box defect”.
I e-mailed them. They called me back. They called Athearn. They worked with Athearn
on my behalf to get me a replacement. We exchanged units and they wanted to reimburse
me for the extra shipping. Since they put in a lot of extra effort I declined their shipping
refund offer…

They declined my decline and paid me anyway. It’s First class with Firsthobby IMO

Wow! This happened in 2004?

It’s really good to know that there are companies that will still go above and beyond to give quality customer service!

Now we’ve seen examples of the best and the worst. Interesteing that it’s two companies with the “Hobby” name in them:

High end, Top of the Line: FIRST HOBBY
Scraping the crumbs in the bottom of the barrel: HOBBY CIRCLE

HOBBY CIRCLE: are you reading this?

I, too, have had nothing but excellent service from First Hobby in Decatur, Illinois.


Way cool that they declined to accept your decline ! Gonna had first hobby to the list of sites that I check out when I’m looking for something.

Me too…No problems here!

It seems that too many businesses these days don’t get it - poor service will get around. I read something like 'Customers will tell several friends about good service, but will tell dozens about shoddy service".

Bob Boudreau


E-mail this thread to FirstHobby. Let them know that their good deeds are being made known to other modelers!


i looked up First Hobby on the internet and looked at their ho locomotives. they had great prices.

I agree wholeheartedly. I have purchased 2 locos through First Hobby so far and have been VERY happy with them. Good prices, good service, and in each case I got my loco within 2 days! I’m sold!

did business with them they are OK ! [tup]
good prices, well stocked : they had items not available at other webshops

Great Prices, excellent customer service. It’s getting hard to find these days. First Hobby is THE BEST! I bought my FEF-3 from them for $149.99. Arrived 2 days later! EXCELLENT!

WOW! This is remarkable. I’ll have to look more closely at this resource. That is great news.

K4s for $285.00. Uh oh, in trouble with the wife again. Looks like I’m headed for another [B)]

Nothing but praise for first hobby. Several purches from them and never a problem.
I even got my last loco from them 2 weeks ago and it came the next day.
Good job first hobby.
BTW WE should have a topic about posative or Neg buying experiences we have.