“Just Trains???” BLASPHEMY!!! STONE HER!!! (with light weight hydrocal stones of coarse)
At least your looking at trains. I’ve been looking at how rocks are colored every where I go.
“Just Trains???” BLASPHEMY!!! STONE HER!!! (with light weight hydrocal stones of coarse)
At least your looking at trains. I’ve been looking at how rocks are colored every where I go.
BEST advice is … smile back - and say “I’m not into shoes”.
That should take care of it. You’ve explained it in a way she can understand.
First, what is she interested in? If she likes Icecream, buy her a nice model of an Icecream Parlor. If she enjoys horses, give her a model barn with a nice set of model horses. Example: My wife likes animals and circus/carnival stuff, so one year I gave her a number of HO scale items from those categories. They were a big hit and she has a nice little collection started with the intent of one day making a display with them. Only problem is, I collect N scale. At least she understands better now why I must have this or that item.LOL Anyway, I hope to incorporate both scales on one layout. Still need to work out how to accomplish an acceptable transition between HO & N, but I have some ideas. Bottom line is, find a way to interest her in some aspect of trains so you may both share contentment around the rails. You’re not crazy, just appreciative of something cool that many folks will never notice. Good luck! -Rob
Just remember this:
For the most part, girls abandon their Barbie dolls at age 11 or 12. Boys abandon THEIR toys on their deathbeds–and only then, reluctantly.
“They’re just trains–” Hey, KEEP her! At least she knows what they are, LOL!
Hey Shawnee,
Isn’t is great how we model railroaders can appreciate and get a kick out of seeing all those things that were there all along and we didn’t notice them before. I used to live in New Britain, Connecticut for a time and never noticed all those great brick industrial building until I started photographing them to be used as backdrops for my layout. Now, I can’t go through New Britain without checking out all those building, some of which have those old, faded signs painted on the bricks. What a thrill.
There are certainly worse things we could spend our time on that don’t cater to our mechanical, creative, artistic and historical interests.
This is a semi-serious disease you/we have here.
it’s called
“Can’tgetenoughtrain” syndrome
It’s a relatively painless disease. The only time it really hurts is when you’re near a hobby shop!
C’mon guys. Trains-girls-trains-girls- they both have their attractions,now don’t they? Both have their quirks, both can be noisy or sneak up on you when you least expect it, both are beautiful, and when either goes off the track, get out of the way.
And I’ve heard rumors that they think ALL men are nuts, even those REALLY crazy ones that don’t like trains!
That is why I’m still single.
I also strongly suggest naming something after your girlfriend/wife!
but the trick is…it has to be something cute or pretty…an average diesel isnt going to cut it! [;)]
Here is a locomotive I named after my wife:
notice that its the PRESIDENTS engine! only the most opulent and swanky and “higest ranking” locomotive on the whole railroad![:P]
My Dad did something similar with his passenger train:
The loco is named after my Mom, and all the cars are named after various Female family members…my sister, my wife, aunts, etc…
suggesting that your wife/girlfriend have her own, special train that SHE designs is also a great idea…I know of several guys in Large Scale whos wives have trains based on the Aristocraft “ladybug”
always a hit! [:D]
I have seen pictures of trains where the “ladybug” is pulling a train of flatcars, and each car contains a small pot of flowers, or something similar…
its a SMALL sacrifice to make! [;)]
and its worth it!
I find that I can usually fix a noisy train. The same could not be said for my x-wife.[}:)]
If she has an appetite for diamonds, just say “Are you nuts? They’re only carbon!” (Then find another girlfriend.) [}:)]
You and me both!
They’re just trains???..what’s wrong with her???..she’s the one that’s nuts!..[;)]…chuck
Yeah, last girlfriend I had hated my trains (including keeping me from going to my Friday night operating & building sessions) , but I HAD to listen to her ramble on about her English major work, late Romantic era poetry…poetry, oh noetry. I had enough of that.
Not only does my new girlfriend go out and do rail photography with me (she concentrating on the local scenery), but she actually is getting interested in the hobby! Now, Friday nights are Train Nights, and Saturday is Date night. A wonderful relationship!
I HAD to listen to her ramble on about her English major work, late Romantic era poetry…poetry, oh noetry. I had enough of that.
If I had a girlfriend that read me poetry, I’d be out the door so fast you could see the breeze go by…I feel kind’a fortunate now…All I have to put up with is my wife’s small garden in the backyard and she’s proud of my trains…she won’t work on them, but she’ll run them when a guest comes over if i’m not there…(I think she plays with them more than i’m lead to believe)…chuck
I also strongly suggest naming something after your girlfriend/wife!
but the trick is…it has to be something cute or pretty…an average diesel isnt going to cut it! [;)]
… just don’t show her what one Lillian Disney got for putting up with her model railroader husband…
My girlfriend sometimes gives me a hard time about going to work on the club layout in between the monthly meetings, but she completely supports my being in the hobby.
When they start getting snippy about looking at a train, then get a new girlfriend.
Hee Hee… I think mine does too. However she hasn’t complained too much about all the train places I’ve taken her to. We’ve been to Steamtown, Cass, the Western Maryland Scenic, the B&O Museum and the East Broad Top, with stops at Niagra Falls, a bunch of neat caverns in Virginia and a visit with family in Ohio. We’ve seen the California State Railroad Museum and she rode a train at Jamestown, CA while I rode in the cab of the Shay pulling it (my first cab ride!). After that she got to have some fun at the nearby Indian casino. I think that’s the secret… break up the trips with non-rail-related events.
I want to take her to Colorado for rides on the Durango & SIlverton and Cumbres & Toltec, and maybe a few others… LOTS of train rides in Colorado and lots of beautiful, scenic things to explore. The Grand Canyon Railway in AZ would be fun too.
There are a few things she hasn’t attended. She wasn’t with me at Strasburg or any of my visits to Fostoria, OH and the “Iron Triangle”. However she was in Tehachapi looking at property and stopped by the Loop! I haven’t even been there yet! Maybe I’m getting to her…[:-^]
She is like, “what is wrong with you, they’re just trains.” At least she said it with a smile.
You beat me to it. I was going to say, “Whats wrong with you. They’re just purses”.
Not only does my new girlfriend go out and do rail photography with me (she concentrating on the local scenery), but she actually is getting interested in the hobby! Now, Friday nights are Train Nights, and Saturday is Date night. A wonderful relationship!
Heh heh heh. Reality check time. There’s a huge difference between girlfriends and wives. Two entirely different species.