well detailed layouts. Although new to this hobby, I know what I like and what I want my layout to look like. There are MANY great layouts to be found when doing searches but, some of the most inspiring come from a website entitled " Australian narrow gauge exibition", In particular “Bellbird” “Broughton Vale” and “Red Stag” are layouts I keep going back to again and again. Broughton Vale Is only 2 x 4 feet in size but, it’s huge in terms of it’s impact on me.
I’m planning on modeling a freelance logging railroad some place in the northwest during the 1930’s I’ll be running class A Climaxes, one of which is a vertical boiler typical of a 10 toner and the other a horizontal boiler and also one critter. I hope to be able to squeese in a harbor area were I’ll then use my critter to “work” the docks.