My latest projects

My latest projects comments welcome thanks Dave

I was puzzled at first as your post came up over my old-and-slow dial-up connection, with backwards letters on a sign spelling out “NI-EVIRD” (“drive-in”). That was the first thing that appeared, with the correct image only showing half a minute later.

Is the mirror an all-the-time part of your layout, or was it placed only for the photo to show two sides of the story in one photo?

Regardless of the mirror question- neat modeling!

Is the Vintage Auto Repair a modification of a Bachmann kit? If so, it is a very unusual and uncommon treatment changing the appearance of a frequently appearing structure. You made the usual into the unusual!

Thanks for the compliment. The mirror is my wifes idea. I dont know yet I might leave it up for awhile. My visitors seem to like it. What do you think? The auto repair Im not sure what kind of kit it is. I bought it at a train show and modified it to fit the scene. Thanks Dave