Hi Karl! A Brewmaster huh??? mmmm. beer. (But I like mine at about 34 degrees!) Nice picture and a cool name for your layout. Also a super choice of a locomotive! Even though the real New York Central was at least 1000 miles apart from the Rio Grande! Your structure in the back ground is especially nice! Show us some more!
That is one good looking layout - those buildings look great! That horse drawn brewery cart also is a very nice touch. What era is your layout set in?
Clearly your main passion is running longish trains of up to 30 cars or so through your junction town rather than lots and lots of industrial switching, and your track and building plan support that goal well.
What can you tell us about how you run your trains?
I assume you maybe run at least one passenger train, since you seem to have a nice depot there. I see you have an elevator on the single ended siding closest to the aisle.
What else do trains do at your junction town?
What is the other single ended siding (back by the wall) used for - for setting out blocks of cars that will take the other (rearmost) route out of the town, or for some other industries, or for setting out passenger cars, or what?
What are the two shorter tracks over by the staging tracks for - switcher engine or doodlebugs or something like that ?
Sorry about all the questions - I am just curious.
Great premise for a RR. Love the first photo and the pictures of your town/city. The brewery is a must in any city/town/village/hamlet of any size. Just wished they’d realize that here in Canada. [:D]
I love the layout that you have built. I especially like the weathering on the buildings. So many people build nice structures but never bother to weather them. They look like they were built right out of the box, with some painting. I too like to see my trains run. However, switching does give some variety in what one is doing. It also makes for more fun if friends come over to the house and want to run trains too. Then, a few beers afterwards. Keep up the excellent work. I would love to see more photos.