My lionel 80 watt transformer...will it be enough to run my new engine?

I am about to buy the lionel prr s1 duplex, this friday. Considering how expensive it was, and how many features are included, I obviously won’t be able to run most of these features off my 80 watt power pack/controller, I don’t have the money for TMCC at this point.

But here is what I really need to know, will running such an enormous top of the line engine like this require more power?

Silly question, (but considering I don’t know anything about electronics, or lionel systems yet), is it safe for my S1 to run off my power pack, will it work fine with no problems? I don’t want to mess anything up.

Also, the engine comes with 'Odyssey" what is that?

Has anyone on here bought this engine? What are your experiences with it? Any input would be great, thanks.

I forgot too, I bought the 80 watt transformer a few months back with my brother to run his 1st lionel engine, a prr k4 pacific (it was around $350 I think), that one runs fine, of course none of the TMCC features can be activated obviously), but the engine runs perfectly when using our power pack. My question is, will it be any different when I get the prr S1, the thing is massive, so thats why, as stated earlier, me and my brother were wondering if there might be some problems running the thing on our first power pack, or does it require even more power?

Again, we don’t have any knowledge about this stuff, so its a stupid question probably, forgive me.

80 watts should be more than enough, unless you’re pulling a bunch of lighted cars.

Virtually all modern locomotives use mass-produced DC can motors, which are very efficient. The sort used in most engines will draw at 1 amp under the typical load conditions they see in service on our layouts.

Assuming this one has two motors(which I think it does), you’d be looking at 2 amps, plus another half amp or so for the smoke unit and other miscellaneous onboard electronics. This is still well under the 5 amp capacity of the CW-80.

Yes, you’ll be perfectly safe operating this with traditional transformer control(“conventional control”). In my experience, however, most high-end Lionel engines of this vintage are a bit quirky to operate as conventional engines, although once you get used to their quirks they work fine.

Odyssey is Lionel’s speed control system. Basically, it allows the engine to keep running at the same speed regardless of (minor) track voltage variations, load, or grade. You’ll need to consult the manual, but many of the early generation Lionel engines required you to set the desired speed, much like cruise control on your car, when operating in conventional mode. If the Duplex requires you to do this, the instructions will explain how to do so.

Sorry, I don’t have a Duplex, although they are incredibly nice looking engines and I’m sure they run well also.

For best enjoyment out of yours, I’d definitely suggest investing in TMCC, or even better, Legacy, as soon as possible.

Hey thanks so much for your help. Can’t wait to run it when I bring it home.

When you say ‘quirks’ are you referring to changing directions? I have noticed on our K4 pacific loco, the lights and sounds turn off real quick then restart in a split second. I’m not sure if thats what you mean.

Also, I have heard of ‘legacy’ I saw the remote at my LHS but didn’t get a chance to ask about it, how does it compare to TMCC and is it much more expensive? I used to think the term legacy was the equivalent of MTH’s “premier” but now I understand that its a term describing a system rather than a specific high end line of engines. Is Legacy an add on to TMCC or is something different entirely?

Oh and thanks for the tip about the lighted cars. I was actually thinking of getting some high end lighted cars to go with the S1, but I guess I should buy TMCC before I do that, you just saved me and my brother quite a bit of frustration.

Again, thanks so much for answering my questions.

It sounds like your of the impression that TMCC increases your power. TMCC is a control system that requires a separate power source. If you want more power you will need a larger transformer. There are many older ones available on the market but it is safest to purchase one from a shop that does train repairs and would have checked it out and restored it as needed. The loss of lights, etc. when changing direction is because the power is cut for an instant to cycle the engine. Did you install the 9V batteries in the tenders? This helps keep things going at low voltages when in conventional.

Legacy is lionel’s newest control system … it’s above and beyond tmcc … which I have now . If you’re going to buy a new system and you don’t already have one … you may as well buy the Legacy … if you shop around … they are available at lower than msrp … especially on ebay . They have their own power supply as stated before and don’t draw off your present one … debate getting the brick/bricks for it though … you can add extra bricks/power supplies later too if needed .

Legacy also does not have a power supply for the engines, it only has a small wall transformer for the base/charger, It also requires a transformer. Also $100+ more than TMCC.