So I’ve decided to not go with a helix or a nolix as this is my first layout and don’t want that complexity.
It’s going to be a N scale around the room loop that is 12’ x 10’ with a single liftout for access.
I’ve struggled to come up with a plan that will fit a staging yard, a railyard, and some mainline run.
Last night it hit me!
My new concept is to take one of the 10’ legs of the loop and make it unscenicked staging.
The staging tracks will wrap around the corner and onto one of the 12’ legs of the layout, through a backdrop opening hidden by an overpass and that will be the arival / departure track for the yard!
That way all the train has to do is just peek its engine and a couple of cars out from staging and it will be “on the set”.
Then I will have some shorter classification tracks that also go under the backdrop to give the look that they are longer than they actually are.
I’ll try to come up with a track plan tonight and post it!
The only problem I see so far involves trains going in the opposite direction as it will be harder to unhook a locomotive that is behind the backdrop.
Any adivce would be great!