ok please let me explain to all of you who have taken the time and trouble to try and help me. I do appreciate you all, I am starting at 66" where my trains enter the room this 12" shelf will run 29’ before turing right it then will run 27’ before turring right again it then willcome back about 29 feet again before turing right one last time . at the first turn it will be down to 64" at the second turn it will be down to 62 " at the 3rd turn it will be down to 61 " and in the last 27 feet it will drop to 54 " the base of the rest of the lay out . As for the room their will no problems for windows or doors. as the windows will be covered and the door opens out. All of the high track will be single main with one siding and juction of two main tracks to the sigle main the working level of my railroad will remain 54".you will enter the yard pass thru it thur the city and end up at the passenger depot the lower level will be all double main it will all be code 100 which i have saving for years to to youse the switches will bee #6 or larger except in acouple of industries where i plan on #4s all swithes right know will be hand thrown. I have 60 engines and about 400 cars i have 35 kits to build and this my only hobby except honey-do’s i should keep bussy all the years of retiremen the lord gives me. Now i want to make the curves comming to the main level sweeping and elevated. well i would like to write mo but i have got to go lay down so i can finish gettin rid og a infection in my leg so i will be ready to go back to work next sunday .
man that sounds like a cool set up. I wish i could help you but im trying figure out how to run 6 loco on my set. its been 20 years since i pulled mine out of the closet. if you know how to make 60 locos work together i wanna find out what you know. good luck
It sounds like the trains enter from another room where they will be staged. Then they traverse the 4 walls to get down to the 54" main layout level. In total you are dropping from 66" to 54" or 12" in about 1200" (100 feet). That would be about a 1% grade which most engines should handle. If you have long or heavy trains, you might need helpers or multiple engines. Another approach, if this is really the staging for the trains is to have shorter sections with 2-3% grades and use the level sections to stage your trains.
ok please let me explain to all of you who have taken the time and trouble to try and help me. I do appreciate you all, I am starting at 66" where my trains enter the room this 12" shelf will run 29’ before turing right it then will run 27’ before turring right again it then willcome back about 29 feet again before turing right one last time . at the first turn it will be down to 64" at the second turn it will be down to 62 " at the 3rd turn it will be down to 61 " and in the last 27 feet it will drop to 54 " the base of the rest of the lay out . As for the room their will no problems for windows or doors. as the windows will be covered and the door opens out. All of the high track will be single main with one siding and juction of two main tracks to the sigle main the working level of my railroad will remain 54".you will enter the yard pass thru it thur the city and end up at the passenger depot the lower level will be all double main it will all be code 100 which i have saving for years to to youse the switches will bee #6 or larger except in acouple of industries where i plan on #4s all swithes right know will be hand thrown. I have 60 engines and about 400 cars i have 35 kits to build and this my only hobby except honey-do’s i should keep bussy all the years of retiremen the lord gives me. Now i want to make the curves comming to the main level sweeping and elevated. well i would like to write mo but i have got to go lay down so i can finish gettin rid og a infection in my leg so i will be ready to go back to work next sunday .
man that sounds like a cool set up. I wish i could help you but im trying figure out how to run 6 loco on my set. its been 20 years since i pulled mine out of the closet. if you know how to make 60 locos work together i wanna find out what you know. good luck
It sounds like the trains enter from another room where they will be staged. Then they traverse the 4 walls to get down to the 54" main layout level. In total you are dropping from 66" to 54" or 12" in about 1200" (100 feet). That would be about a 1% grade which most engines should handle. If you have long or heavy trains, you might need helpers or multiple engines. Another approach, if this is really the staging for the trains is to have shorter sections with 2-3% grades and use the level sections to stage your trains.