Rather than add to a prior thread, to minimize reading, I’ll add my newest questions and welcome any help. The loco is a 4-6-2 that I stripped, primed with Modelflex gray primer, and base coated (2 weeks ago) with Model Master 2/3 grimy black, 1/3 engine black. Up until then, no issue.
Yesterday I airbrushed a Model Master gloss coat in prep for adding decals. Not so good.
a) The loco appears a bit non-glossy, almost like dusty, but not like the underlying paint had rippled. Perhaps hitting the loco too dry? I was trying to avoid getting it too wet or thick to avoid drips. Realize I am still learning to use my Paasche VL. I added about 10% Paint Easy thinner. Sprayed at about 27 psi.
b) I sprayed another coat after only about 20 minutes, and ended up with the effect described. It’s not awful, so I wonder if I can either add another wetter, smoother coat or just add the decals and then add another (properly done) gloss coat. I plan to finish with a coat of semi-gloss.
c) The tender, also getting two coats with minimal drying time, looked worse. It appeared some paint had crinkled just slightly on the sides and rear. I could not tell if the base coat crinkled or if the 1st gloss coat crinkled. Since I have the speaker already installed and the tender is not satisfactory, I hand stripped the sides and ends today with denatured alcohol for re-priming, etc.
I think the relevant questions are obvious; i.e., appropriate psi, how to add a coat (how wet), time between coats, etc. Another obvious issue is that I need to practice on a couple of old cabooses in the queue, but I wanted to know how to approach this before practicing on those. I’ve looked at many an old thread but not found quite the insight I need to move forward.