Just a few of my scenery techniques over the past 44 years. There are a lot of the one’s that I use already posted on this forum. But, some are not.
(Water;) Clear silicone caulk or weather stripping–plexiglass coated w/matte medium or gloss medium.
(Mountains;) Patching plaster over alum. screen–celotex ceiling tiles.
(Water Paints); small amounts of “white pearl” for highlites in acrylics.
(Land Base); colored saw dust, colored Elmers glue, sand, dirt & small fish aquarium stones.
(Mountain Streams & Waterfalls) Clear silicone on clear packing tape.
(Rocks); Pine Bark, rocks, pebbles, rock molds(make my own) foam, Aquarium stone.
(Tree’s); buy already made, make own out of stranded wire, store bought
babies breath(coated w/foam) & many other forms.
(Modern Structures); plastic sign material, fiberglass sheets, plexiglass,
Fluorescent lite covers(waffle designs)(white & chrome) found objects.
(Fence); Fine mesh aluminum screen, party toothpicks, railroad ties, railroad rails. I found an item last week in a Joanne’s fabric store( fine mesh brass screen) for chain link fence. 1/16 brazing wire for chainlink posts.
(Rail Ballast); Ballast, colored saw dust or colored sand.
(Building lighting); Christmas tree lights lowered to a smaller voltage.
(Grass), all of the above plus rr grass.
These are just a few of mine & I have been using them for years.
I’ll probably think of something else later.
What are your’s?