My Ultimate Comparison of Mid-Range F Units in HO!

I may have really overdone it this time! With so many F units in the HO mid-range market, I got curious about just how they all measure up and compare to each other. So to figure that out, I bought new-in-box models from Athearn (new), MTH (Starter), MRC, Bachmann (Plus), Stewart (Kato), Model Power (MetalTrain) and Life-Like (Proto 1000). It’s a long video and I went into every detail I could think of (outside of counting rivets), and it was interesting to see just how many differences there are! The criteria for the comparison were that all of the models were made for the same market segment, were developed after 1980 (since designs have stayed mostly the same since then), and they’re all standard DC models since only a few newer ones have come with electronics.

Not sure how to embed a video on the new forum, so here’s the link instead:
Considering the 3-hour length, you might want to use the timestamps on the main video page anyway.

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Welcome back, DarthSantaFe!

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Welcome back Darth. Gee, 3 hours, thnx for the heads up. I’ll have to put a pot of coffee on and be sure my bride is out for the day.

Regards, Chris

Thanks! It’s nice to be on a working forum again. :grinning:

Over the years I’ve had a very large number of HO F units, and several E and PA units as well. I soon found that the Stewart (kato) were the best value for the money, and easy to work on. The LL P2ks (Walthers) were a close second. The odd thing was, I had more long term difficulty with the “higher end” BLI and newer Athearn Genesis locos.

But I have to add, if it wasn’t for those early Athearn BB loco and car kits, I would likely have never gotten into HO.