[8D][8D]Hey All,
I need help, my signals are all ready for hook up, I have a diagram that’s for one signal, but I have two, they will govern the double mainline to a single track mainline, does anybody have a diagram for wiring up signals, they are made by Benscale, I have there diagram but, I’m stuck after I sodered the resistors, I want them to be wired up to my Tortise switch, and a DC power pack, (OR) a 12v power bus, oh yes, one of the signals will be red aspect only, while the other will be green, yellow, red aspect,
Thanks for the Help
Hi, Trains
I have several LogicRail Signal animators with IR detection and tied in with Tortoise auxiliary contacts.
Scroll down here to the supplemental instructions and read about wiring to a switch motor.
http://www.logicrailtech.com/ go to documents tab and scroll down to SA-1 section.
Does your US&S target have a true yellow or is it the “composite” yellow by blending red/green bicolor LEDs? My signals with only bicolor LEDs you can’t make out the yellow color anyway so just go red/green.
[edit: I see the BeNscale signal is common+ and true three color]
IF you use the new BLMA heads with true yellow then you can have the option of three colors but with the Tortoise contacts you are only going to get open/closed as far as switching options.
That’s where the Signal Animator comes in. It will time from red to yellow, to green selectable I think for 5 sec. or 20 sec.IIRC. Then when a train passes the IR it goes back to red and starts the cycle over when the train clears. The Tortoise can be wired to give an occupied condition and drop the signal for the opposing route to red.
Take a look at those Signal Animator diagrams and see if you still have questions…
Good Luck, ED