My whistle sounds like a horn

I just got my first new set in about 12 years, a Lionel Copper Range mine set. Compared to my old K-Mart set this thing is quite the step up. I like almost everything about the set but when i pu***he Whistel button my cute little dockside steamer makes this dreadfull diesel horn sound. Well at least to me thats what it sounds like. Is it just me or dose my loco have a horn insteda of a whistel.

Kevin G

I’ve not heard them myself, but I have read that the docksider has an awful whistle. Like a buzzer. Other than that it’s supposed to be a great loco. It’s the reason I haven’t gotten one yet though. Waiting for somebody to come out with an upgrade first.


I have a 0-4-0 Lionel switcher that just came out. It’s a Chesapeake & Ohio. It’s inexpensive and it also has a Whistel/horn thats something like yours. I think they tried to generized it to fit both steam and diesel engines.

I have a Docksider (NYC). Yeah, it does have a funny sound. I have likened it to a cross between a whistle and a buzzer, I call it the Whizzer. It is distinctive, so not sure I want to change it.

Same here on my NYC dockside switcher. First time I used it I heard nothing but a buzzer horn. Now, if I “squint” my ears just right, I can almost imagine it as a whistle. :slight_smile: