My yard is getting bigger

This is my first yard under construction. The track is very smooth. 7 tortoises mounted so far.

Lookin’ good! Isn’t it a great feeling to actually be able to see the progress! Thanks for sharing. (Now if only the painters would get here and seal the basement walls, I could start laying more track…) [:D]

WOW! Electro, you are doing very nicely!! I sure love that three-way switch.

Do you intend to use a double-slip switch in there someplace? I know that is seems to be a butt-end terminal, but I intend to include one in my next layout. They are too cool by half.

looking great!..are those pecos or shinohara turnouts? I use shinohara code 100 curved turnouts but atlas #4’s and #6’s everywhere else…wish i would have put out the bucks for the shinoharas…the atlas are ok, but i have to do a lot of modification and lots of dremel cutting work to get them to look anything close to prototype…chuck

Thanks… Everything is Walthers/Shinohara code 83.

Thanks, this is soooooo fun. I’m looking forward to build the rest of the yard so I can continue with the mainline. But it’s lots of work before I can do that. There will be no double-slip switch, but they look really cool.

Once you watch a streamliner or a freight with modern 85’ cars take a crossover of #10’s, there’s no going back. Big turnouts and big curves!