Mystery Set (Atlas)

I’ve been reading older issues of CTT and I kinda got the bug. Well anyway, I have an train set that’s labeled “Atlas” but no track. However, I do not know what kind of track it runs on-2 or 3 rail. I compared it to my Lionel sets and for one thing, the Atlas is 1/3 larger than the Lionel and it must run on some sort of larger gauge track?

I’ve been reading about Atlas O vs Atlas Master O but I have no idea between the two. Is the Master O version designed for this mystery gauge train or do I have some set that was to run on some oddball proprietary track instead?

If it is three rail the loco and any lighted cars will have a pick-up roller(s) to pick-up power from the center rail. Regarding the size comparison, if your Lionel sets are of the entry/traditional level variety they would normally be smaller than the Atlas “O”. The Atlas “O” is normally of scale size dimensions with the exception of their fairly recent acquisition of the Industrial Rail line.