Mystery uncoupling

I think this has been discussed before, but what can all of a sudden cause uncoupling at a certain location. I cant find anything wrong with the track (HO).

A couple of things I found that were uncoupling my trains were slight differences in track height. Usually where two pieces come together and just happen to be in a spot that is a little lower than the rest of the table.

Another thing I found was low hanging uncoupling wires that hit turnout frogs. I had two cars that I had to adjust the wire so it would be high enough to clear the track.

I also found on one car the coupler was just weak and would pull apart when it was put toward the front of the train. When it was at the end with a light load it worked fine but at the front it would uncouple on its own.


When all else fails, get Kadee’s shelf couplers. There are some track and car problems that are hard to find or fix. I had trouble with some long cars. The shelf couplers solved the problems.

If the cars that are separating are very long, with a lot of overhang between the trucks and the carbody ends, they will be hyper-sensitive to slight differences in track elevation; any small dip or bulge at the truck will be magnified threefold at the couplers. I’ve had this problem with 89’ auto racks, piggyback flats, and some passenger cars on my previous layout.

Very Aggrevating. Sometimes it would hang enough to cause a derailment.

Sometimes it can be caused because the coupler spring has come off and a slowing of the train releases the tension.

I’ve had that problem, I ended up just replacing the coupler. Those springs are a huge pain in the butt to install if you don’t have the proper tool.

I had a similar problem with EZ Mate couplers that came with my Walthers Superliners. Pulling uphill on a curve (OK in a helix) they would uncouple. I watched them closely and the shank of the coupler was actually bending and allowing the knuckles to slip apart. I replaced them with Kadee 40 series and set them up per the Kadee gauge, end of problem.

AMEN TO THAT! Those things are a royal pain in the caboose.

The other thing I’ve had happen with EZ Mate couplers is that they use a thin strip of plastic to keep tension on the coupler jaw. They become weak and develop a small gap. Just enough release of tension to allow the coupler to open. Your best bet is to couple the car (if any) that it uncouples from, and pull it across the spot it seems to consistently uncouple at. Watch the couplers closely as you do this. If the couple is dipping or lifting, check to see if there is extra space in the coupler pocket allowing the coupler to move up and down. Kadee makes shims for this. Also, check to see it the car itself is rising or dipping. If it is the latter, then you have trouble in your track which will have to be addressed.

Love those track problems. NOT!

The spring pic is only $1.95 and the springs a $1.05 a dozen (not to mention you get some extras in every pack). How many couplers can you buy with that much money?

They are a problem. I used to use a small jeweller’s screw driver. I finally broke down and got one of the tools. That helped a lot. I replace the coupler when I’m in a hurry. When I have a few minutes or I’m out of good couplers, I take a few minutes and replace springs in several at a time. I usually try to do it in a box so when the spring goes “twinnnnnnnnnng” it usally stays in the box.
It’s one of my least favorite things to do, but it isn’t as stressful as before. A good light and some “reading” glasses also help.

Actually, Walter, sometimes when the spring goes “twinnnnnnnnnng” you HAVE to look for it…like the last time I had to repair a coupler, I had only one spring left…

Yup…I no sooner picked it up than it went off the tool…PROING!!! Fortunately, the work bench was clear and it bounced off my wrist, so I was able to track where it went. I actually managed to find it and get it installed.

bertodag…hae you had a change in humidity in your trainroom? Perhaps something has caused the track to bend just enough to throw the track out of guage and the trucks
don’t derail, but the coupler uncouples? Something had to have happened at that location on the layout ( drop a tool on the track?)

Yeah! I had one twinnnnnnnnnng like that one time and it landed in the egg salad. Surprise, surprise.