I am currently in the process of improving on a Scientific Toys, locomotive I was given. Please look at these photos and make suggestions and critques.
Above: N&MRR Locomotive #12 finishing a short run delivering a Box Car of assorted goods to Two Trees, Texas and returing an empty SP hopper to the interchange between Two Trees, Texas and Norma, Texas.
Above: A detailed shot of N&MRR Locomotive #12 and the new air compressor attached to the break line. It was made of an old marker top and parts from an N scale refinery.
Above: N&MRR Locomotive #12 crossing the Borracho Gultch Trestle.
I know these are somewhat generic locomotives but they serve several purposes…
- Placate the neighborhood children…and mostly my daughter.
- Provide a medium to try some guiltless kit bashing
- Clean track
- Save time on my more expensive track powered locos.
Please provide feedback and suggestions. I may have another of these locomotives on the way and I need them to meet the approval of the forum.
Capt Carrales
Looks good enough to my eyes. I’d like to see a bit more of the side of the loco in even light to get a better feel for the proportions–not necessarily for critique, but just to satisfy my curiosity. It looks like a really neat, cheap locomotive.
Since you asked for a critique, I’ll say that the paint is nice and even, the colors are fine, and the detail is up to a level where nothing is fine-scale, but everything is in the right place. If you’re looking for something to satisfy the above 4 requirements, then you’ve hit the nail right on the head.
As for the next one, you’d do yourself proud to equal this one. Without having a better feel for the original loco, I can’t really make a judgement as to how much potential there is to make this loco look like a museum-quality loco without tossing everything but the drivers. Since it doesn’t sound like that’s your intention anyway, then there’s no reason to offer comments along those lines.
If you’re going to do a second one, though, ask yourself what you would have liked to have done differently on the one you already built. Then, do it differently on this one. Maybe it will look better, maybe it won’t, but you’ll have learned from the process. That’s the key to improving your skills.
No need to meet our approval here pal. Recently I disassembled my LGB caboose for a repaint and detail job. Not too extensive but my goal is to make it look a little more realistic. It is soooooo easy to go off the deep end and axe nearly everything your loco has except the shell. As Kevin already said you have a good base here. My advice is make only minor changes so the project does not become long and drawn out. As skills improve and time permits go deeper. Each project will bring greater results. Have fun. Later eh…Brian.
You wanted suggestions??? Are you feeling brave??
Then this is what you do.
Rip off the bogies from the tender.
Rip off the lamp and cow catcher from the front of the loco.
Rip out the chassis from the loco -leaving the bare boiler unit…
Do the same to the second loco when it arrives.
Stick the cow catcher and lamp at the rear of each tender.
Put a chassis under each tender with the pistons facing the rear.
Supend one of the boiler sections between the two tenders.
This gives you the basic shape for your Garratt.
The rest I leave to you.
Capt C
thats the same engine I tried to use, but the R1 switches I used hated it, and the sound effects on were more annoying than the knife in the disposal sound its motor normally makes. If its running fine on your layout , then Go For It. I like the way its repainted to get rid of the shiny crap finish, they dont look too bad when repainted, and look a tremendous lot more realistic than the New Bright types, the 2 cars is probably its absolute limit pulling wise, and I wouldnt try any grades or pulling anything like a track cleaner car, it wont. I tried.
Wow very interesting locomotive
Now which way where we going?
Jack [:)]
If it suits you thats the inportant thing, it look great. Ben[:)]
I’ll post from time to time on this issue, thank you for the suggestions. I plan, someday, to replace the “trucks/boggies.” Does anyone know where I might purchase some that they remain satified by the results?
I found a Sears/Craftsman set also from Scientific Toys that is about $9.00. I’m going to see that that thing can do.
Making purses out of sow’s ears can be fun.
Capt Carrales