I recieved an Athearn 2-8-0 White Pass & Yukon steam loco for Christmas and it did not come with instructions or parts diagram, and when i contacted Athearn to get one was told at first ok we will send you one, then i was told we do not put one in with that unit!, kind of suprising to me considering even the Bmann includes those but oh well, was told if i have a question i should ask the tech guy, which to me seems less then helpful. I guess other then having a handy guide to this loco the only thing i need to know is how to get to the motor on this unit, it is mounted in the tender and has a shaft that runs forward to the actual loco, i have looked at that thing from all angles and do not see a way in!, any help as always is appreciated, thanks.
Pop the coal load out and the motor is right there. This might give you some help too: http://www.tcsdcc.com/decoderpics/mdc-n-scale-mogul.html