I have recently started building a layout following five years of armchair modelling. I have a collection of various makes of locomotives nearly all fitted with Microtrains couplers and most of my freight cars are similarly fitted. I have recently bought some Kato and Atlas locos and cars with their new type couplings.
I have started with a small freight yard and a passenger terminus and I want to use magnetic uncoupling devices. In the freight yard I have discovered problems using the Microtrains magnets that fit between the rails even when positionned using the MT height setting jig. I find that I get undemanded uncoupling or failure to stop in the uncoupled pushing position. I am unsure if it is because the Kato and Atlas couplers are incompatable with the MT magnets. Is hands off switching really a reality in N scale? Has anyone written an article about this, I cannot find any reference to N scale switching within Model Railroader in the last ten years that has mention of couplers and magnets. I am building a yard similar to David Popp’s Waterbury yard but it looks as though he uses a magnetic stick or wand of some sort to uncouple in the video. The Microtrains web site isn’t much help and I am unsure how many types of uncoupling devices they now make. Are there any electromagnetic versions avalable in N scale. Any information would be greatly appreciated.