N Scale Guys...HELP!

In my saga to build my Walther TT, I have figured Nscale wheels might be a good replacement for the crappy bridge wheels that come with the kit. Taking a 36" N scale wheel and dividing by 160 gives me a perfect height of .225" (is this an accurate real world measurement?) The width I have available on the bridge is .120". How wide are typical N scale wheels? (tread+flange) Ideally, I need a width of .100"-.115". Is this doable?
It looks like IM, NWSL and Atlas are the companies that advertise 36" wheels. Bach, MP and Microtrains don’t list wheel size. (I’m assuming they are a generic size)
So, basically I’m looking for a narrow 36" wheel (metal or plastic) What would your recommendations be??


Guess all the N scalers moved to another forum…[sigh]

I haven’t left this forum–just was working on insulation & wallboard in railroad room today and just now got to the forum…I haven’t measured any wheels, but will be happy to measure when I’m back in there tomorrow if you aren’t in a big hurry (its in loft above the detached garage).

Which Walthers turn table are you talking about? The ‘built up’ has plastic wheels, but they ride on the plastic rail, and have nothing to do with the power pick up… Why bother?


No, I’m building the HO 90’ kit. The plastic wheels that come with it are crap. I’m looking for something better to replace them with. Doing the math, a 36" N scale wheels should be the perfect height of .225". I just don’t know how wide they are. (width of tread+flange) I only have an opening that’s .120" wide to fit them in.
I guess what I’m asking is, are 36" (say NWSL) N scale wheels actually .225" tall and how wide are they?? (or any other brand 36" N scale wheel)
Nothing to do with power pick up. Just want a true, round wheel for the bridge to ride on.

thickness 3/32      .09375 (Approx. --misplaced calipers)
If I can find them I'll do better; maybe someone else will chime in. 

My craftsman TT kit came with cast metal wheels that just dragged on the rail. I didn’t like that, so I found some miniature ball bearings (about 3/16 dia and a little over 1/16 thick). They work and look great! If you’re interested I’ll look to see where I got them. Just post and I’ll reply.