N Scale Kato SD40-2, or Intermountain SD4-2W

I was wondering what the general opinion out there was for these 2 loco’s. I am about to bid on a Kato SD40-2 on ebay, but wanted to know if that was a mistake. Should I hold out and spend the extra money for the Intermountain?

Please let me know how the Kato Runs,

Thank You,


Why choose? Both are quality locos.

David B

Ahhhh, because I can’t afford to get both now. I really just wanted to know if I was making the mistake by gettting the Kato. Does it have a good rep?


They are both best buys. Cant go wrong with either.

If it were me, (assuming you are a CN guy) I would go with the intermountain because it is a CN prototype.

But in terms of running quality, they are both top notch.

David B

Ok, excellet, that was the reply I was hoping for.

Thanks so much,


I have 4 Kato N scale engines and they run great.