N Scale Paper Mill

I am planning on modeling a small papermill in N scale, but cannot find any structures that would work. The Walthers kit is huge and $70. Were they all this large? Is there any way to compress on realistically? Thanks.

You can get by with four basic rectangular buildings and perhaps a few silos.

There are four fundamental functions that your mill must incorporate. 1) Unloading and storing of wood chips 2) Processing the wood chips into pulp fibre 3) Transforming the pulp fibre into sheets and rolls of paper, and 4) Warehousing and shipping the finished paper products.

A single paper machine measures about 100’ long by about 30’ wide and is from two to three stories high. The head end of the machine has a large storage chest for wet pulp. The tail end of the machine has a winder to convert the big rolls of paper into smaller rolls according to their customers orders.

You do not need to recieve wood chips or logs. A lot of paper mills are not “integrated” in that they buy pulp and start from there rather than pulping the wood themselves. An integrated mill is probably better than 100 acres if it amounts to much.
Modern paper machines may be 1500’ feet long. Some older ones may be 200’ plus by 10’ wide. Building needs to be a minimum of about 50’ wide by 300’ long by 35’ high.
You can get by with a single spur. Receiving, storage (raw materials), stock prep, paper machine, finishing, storage (finished goods), and shipping are your minimum requirements. In more Northern climates everything may be indoors.
I would suggest doing some online research. If you have specific questions I will be glad to help. Many books and a couple of college degrees are devoted to papermaking, so there is no simple explanation.

I have to agree with the earlier posts, even a small paper mill is huge.

This web site is for the St. Regis paper mill in Bucksport, Maine. It’s quite modest by paper mill standards, but still a large facility. Of particular interest to you may be the link that explains how paper is made. Here it is;


If I might suggest, you could only model a small portion of the mill and suggest the rest on the backdrop.

Thanks for the replies. I think I might pass on modeling this industry, as I am sure it would overwhelm my little layout. I will do the research, though, in case I decide for an expansion!

I tried to find the Walther paper mill you mention to see the size and couldn’t find it. If they did make one in N scale, it’s probably retired. I did see the HO scale model.
Do you have a backdrop? If so, maybe you can make make background buildings for the main building and kraft mill using Design Preservation Models modular system.

There are also special loads that can be of interest such as input and output of heavy industrial equipment.
For example,sending steam turbine rotors for repair and maintenance although, most of these shipments are
handled by truck these days.

Peter Smith, Memphis